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This is a repository for the nothing. I take all the credit for the brilliance and none for the ignorance

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Summer Plans:Or Lack Thereof

I have no idea of what I am doing this summer. But contrary to my previous blog post, I don't want a boring job. I want to get a head start on college and get an internship somewhere in Boston. Hopefully, I will find something practical and related to what I want to study in college: Economics and Political Science.
While the opportunities of last summer have dried up: to put it concisely, I aspire to find something fun and fulfilling for the summer after my senior year. Some that have been recommended to me are internships at the state capitol or other gov. jobs. At the end of it "all", I'd like to do a considerable amount of photography and improve my tennis game. Fitting all of these in would be a tremendous accomplishment. I hope to make this the best summer yet.

All I know is that I want it to be summer.

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