A note of caution...

This is a repository for the nothing. I take all the credit for the brilliance and none for the ignorance

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add me as a friend: Scott Onigman
shoot me an email: scottonigman@gmail.com


Blogging Philosophy

I enjoy listening to National Public Radio (NPR for short). And, because I have recently started working at a summer job that is highly independent and tedious. Working in an office, at my own little working space, I am occasionally surrounded by coworkers on two sides. Because the desk arrangement is open, I generally dont play music or radio outloud. Nevertheless, these two workers are constantly in the lab (75% of the time). Ergo, I listen to NPR most of the time or a Ted Talk which are very insightful (not the other kind of inciteful). And, because I am constantly in touch with a flow of ideas, I start thinking about things that aren't biofilms (the current project I'm working on).

With this major distraction of a flow of nonwork ideas, i think about life and the world and living. It is generally a stream of consciousness that bounces around in topic faster than Flubber with Robin Williams. (Yes, that did require a picture).

With this new influx of thought and philosophy I consider blogging all of these ideas. But alas, I lose track of them, never finish the thought processes associated with them, and quickly forget them. This may be a travesty, but at the same time, I am sure that someone else in the world has had a similar idea that I came up with and has articulated it in a more cohesive and cogent contrivance.

So as to not abandon this blog, I hope to write down some of these ideas, develop them at a later date and write about them here. Thank you for reading this...



On A Trip to Boston...(Color)

Some of these are quite postcard-ish, but some are good. Hopefully this is not seen as a true reflection of my photography, but I do occasionally enjoy one that is "postcard-ish"